Wednesday, August 11, 2010

one is down, three to go. =)

okay, nk thu psal test?? mmg sgt la seronok jwb! HAHA! sgt terok kot.
xde la terok mne. but sy xthu apa sbnrnye yg saya buat. saya tulis je ape yg sy ingt. well. LAW plak kn?? bnyak gila act kne hafal. and thank god blh jwb. (what i mean is, my answer sheet is not EMPTY!) HAHAHA!
but over all. sgt terok la test tdi. ssh. btol. xtipu punye. dah la masa die bagi satu jam setgh je. mmg smpat xsmpat je la kn?? hurm. nasib smpat jwab semua. even x full pon. atleast msti ade markah kn?? =) 
and FYI lepas ni ade TIGA lagi test menanti. again TIGA okay! OUH! tlng la!! even dh settle satu test. xrelease lngsng. sbb tepikir lagi 3 test. okay! ayat sgt poyo! but serius. sgt la takot or sngn cter CUAK! =(
bnde paling sedih adalah. x boleh BALIK rumah! saya dah rindu rumah saya. saya nk balik. nk jmpe family saya. sedih! nk balik nk balik nk balik! but nk uat mcm mne kn?? THREE to go. so work and fight for it! =)

sedar x sedar. besok sbnrnye dh nk puase. =)
selamat berpuase semua umat islam.! =)
hope this ramadhan we can be a better person then last ramadhan. =)
(okay! i miss my family! nk balik! ) =(
this week xbalik sbb test. next week xboleh balik sbb nk  test. nnt balik xstudy! nk xnk kne tunggu 27th of august, bru boleh balik. that means, another 2 weeks! ouh god! lambt nye! hurm. =(
kne terima kenyataan ni. even ssh! xpe. blajar kn??
so kne ade pengorbanan. =)
so we have to learn how to accept the fact. =)

pss : for the first time, first day puasa bkn dgn familly. hurm. so to my dearest family. just want to let you know that i really miss you guys! selamat berpuasa. :)


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