Wednesday, June 1, 2011

new enviroment.


Ouh, title di atas memang sangat poyo. Saya akui. But, it sound 'GOOD'. HAHA! Tak la, actually nak post pasal new semester, and everybody posting the title of new semester atau sewaktu dengannya. So, saya post ikut cara saya dan ikut suka saya lah. HAHA! Okay, itu gurau. :)

Alhamduillah, semua class saya dah settle dan registration class pun settle. Yeay ! Seronok. HAHA! :DD
The environment for this semester is quite okay. I got new room and of course new roomates. :)
They all are my younger sister. Two of them a in part 3 and one of them a in Pre-Diploma. Okay, first time duduk dengan junior, dan saya senior dan mereka panggil saya kakak ! Okay, itu kelakar dan janggal. But, to be truth saya memang dah tua, dah final year kn?? Dah 20 tahun kan?? So, sedar diri ! HAHA ! :DD

All my class a okay. But, yang tak seronok nya, bila ada class hari JUMAAT PETANG ! Ouh my ! Petang jumaat?? Macam mana nak balik?? Saya tak nak duduk Segamat ni lama lama lah !
Saya nak balik. :(
Tapi tak pe. Belajar. Azam baru kena fulfill !
Tak boleh main main dah ! Dah part 5 ! HAHA!
Dacn, hari isnin pulak ada class malam. Lagi lah tak seronok. Haish, nasib baik lah hari selasa class pukul 2 petang. HAHA! :D
So, for the conclusion, (wah ! nak conclusion bagai. HAHA! ) I just hope that this semester will be much better then last semester. With new environment, new roommates and new lectures everything will be just fine. Amin. :)
So, lets us pray that everything will be fine. InsyaAllah. :)

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