Friday, April 29, 2011

thanks dear friends !


Its been tough week for me. And yes sayang, were not there for me. Thanks for the 'cute' attitude ! I LOVE MORE for that ! Huh ! Sucks man ! You make my day worse every single day ! THANKS !
But, thanks ALLAH, i had a friends that support me all way long, and yes, my beloved family ! THANKS ! Saya sangat hargai jasa jasa awak semua. Dan percayalah, saya sayang awak awak semua. Hingga hujung nyawa. Wah ! HAHA ! :D
Actually, I still have another two final paper this up coming Saturday and Sunday. But still I have time to updated my blog. Ouh, kau memang sangat pandai kan didy. Lepas tu, sibuk mengadu dekat orang lain tak boleh nak buat ! HAHA ! Padahal diri sendiri yang tak study ! :DD

Okay lets move to next agenda. HAHA!
Holiday is just around the corner. I hope everything will be just fine. And i cant wait to spend my whole holiday with my lovely best friend ! I miss them badly ! Laughing together, smile, cry and everything together ! Is was just like heaven when Im with them ! :)
And for my Segamat best friend, i will miss you guys ! Especially Zulaikha(leyka), Amanina(aman), and Asyikin(ekin) ! Spending the whole semester with all of you is the best memories ever ! Thanks dear ! Thanks for lending ur shoulder when i was sad, cheer me up when is was down. And stand with my annoying attitude ! HAHA ! :DD
Actually they were roomates, and i the one that sibuk sibuk pergi lepak bilik diaorang. HAHA ! Kesah pulak saya?? :DD
Ouh, to my this semester roommates ! You guys where awesome sayang !! :)

The last word from me, have a friends like you guys, completed and made my every single day full with laughter and joy ! :)

To my new best best friend : See u on Tuesday !
I cant wait to meet you ! :) 

Sunday, April 17, 2011

still learning about everthing.

Assalammulaikum. :)

I just had a wonderful evening with my beloved best friend Lyana and Ainul. Thanks guys ! :)
Nothing much, just spending our time lepak at Mcd section 3 and La Lec at section 7. Okay, kedai makan La lec tu saya first time pergi, and I guess it same goes with Lyana and Ainul. :)
But, yes. For me, it was a beautiful and wonderful time when you need someone to full feel your day with laughter. And it happen ! So, again. Thanks friend ! :)

So, today I learn, that we cant force someone to love you back, even though at the first place she/he is the one that tabur macam macam janji, but at the end she/he yang DUMP kita. It was hurt, its really hurt. But boys and girls just let her/his go, with no regret ! I guess lah ! HAHAHA ! So, just enjoy your life. Make as much as memories you can, because memories cant never been eraser but just fade by time.
Next, please dont blame others untuk tutup kau punya kesalahan. Come on lah, dah terbukti depan mata, kau still salah kan orang sekeliling kau. If you thing your surrounding is stupid, you were wrong, maybe for the first time its work, but for next time it doesn't. Kau kaki putar belit, kau ingt kau boleh belit semua orang?? Memang tak lah. Hidup ni ada KARMA dia, and yes, what's goes around comes around. KARMA dude. 

And yes, friendship is the most valuable things in the whole world. You can find a friend, but not a true friend if you does not know how to be a friend for your own self. So, appreciated your friend how they appreciated you as their friend. :) 

So, so long dear friend. LIVE YOUR LIFE TO THE FULLEST. :)

Nota kaki : Maaf kan saya kalau saya meyakiti awak tanpa saya sedar. :(

Friday, April 8, 2011



Hello ladies and gentleman. Regarding to the title. You know that im on diet ! HAHAHA ! :DD
Yes peeps ! Didy diet ! Gelak lah selagi kauorang semua mampu untuk gelak ! Sebab sikit pun saya tak kesah ! HAHAHA ! :DD
And yes ! Baru saya tahu, sangat susah untuk lawan nafsu sendiri ! Nampak macam senag, alah diet je, tahan makan sikit sikit. Tapi, kauorang buat tengok, mampu tak mampu. Dah la sememangnya saya ni gemuk ! Lepas ni, memang nafsu makan tu membuak buak lah kan. Haish.
Moral of the story. Lawan nafsu kita. Nothing is impossible. :)

Saya memang sedar, saya dah lama saya tak post, lepas tu bila post, post benda merepek, ingt ada orang nak baca lah?? HAHAHA ! Maaf lah. Idea gila tak de lah nak post. Ini je yang ada buat masa sekarang ni. So, selamat mejamu selera ! HAHAHA ! XOXO ! :)

Nota kaki : Saya nak balik ! Saya rindu semua orang ! :(